Please only complete this form for registering to participate in one of the open call projects listed on our Participation page. For more general enquiries about how to get involved in Freedom Festival, please email

Sign up for participation opportunities

    We work with people of all ages. We need to know how old our participants are to make sure everyone stays safe.

    We will use this as the main way to keep in touch with you about the project.

    This helps us to know where our participants live in the city so we can reach more people.

    You can share this with us if you choose to for specific circumstances such as if there is a last minute cancellation.

    Please note that Code and On our Doorsteps are not open to general call out.

    We aim to make all of our sessions accessible without you having to share personal information. If there's something you think would be useful for us to know, feel free to share.

    If you are filling the form out on behalf of someone else, you can let us know here. If there's something else you think would be useful for us to know, feel free to share.