
  • Event Details

  • Date: 31 August

Time: Saturday 31 Aug 20:30 – 22:30

Artist: Kaleider

Country: United Kingdom

Location: Trinity Square

Location Number: 12

Genre: Street Performance

“What an incredible piece of work this is. It feels moving and timely, and a massively important commentary on where we find ourselves at this point in time.”

Witness the slow build-up and progression of Arch – with two thirds concrete, one third ice, these artists attempt to build a freestanding arch. What happens is straightforward; how it will make you feel is not. ​

Accompanied by a vigil of human voices, this is an emotional journey examining the extraordinary, yet flawed systems humans create, the inevitable collapse, and its impact on ourselves and our eco-system. ​

A languageless score by Verity Standen holds and moves you through a relentlessly physical performance; at times meditative, and at others arresting and highly charged.

Photo: Nichon Glerum


About The Artist

Kaleider is producers Katie Keeler and Jocelyn Mills, artist and producer Irene Urrutia, manager Peter Vanderford, and artist and director Seth Honnor. They combine installation, live performance and digital in their artworks, almost always in collaboration. They tour to cities, festivals, venues and public spaces all over the world. In the last 5 years they have performed 338 gigs in 11 countries on 3 continents to an estimated over 330,000 people.

Access Information

There will be some unreserved seating.

Limited speech performance.

Supporters/Partners Information

Arch is supported using public funding by the National Lottery through Arts Council England.

Arch was developed with support from IN SITU, the European platform for artistic creation in public space, in the frame of the project UN(COMMON) SPACES, co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union, and supported by Freedom Festival Arts Trust.

With R&D support from National Theatre Studio’s Generate programme and Atelier 231.

Arch is co-commissioned by Theater op de Markt and hundreds of individual Citizen Commissioners.